2000년 10월 14일 토요일

Korea Art Work :

2015‘ Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibitions Art Work (Korea)

Name : kyung Byungpyo / Title: Fractal - 24

1964 : 韓國 大邱 出生
1988 : 嶺南大學校 美術大學 應用美術學科 卒業(視覺DESIGN專攻)
1994 :日本 國立 九州藝術工科大學院 藝術工學硏究科 情報傳達專攻 修士(碩士)課程 卒業(COMPUTER GRAPHICS 專攻/藝術工學碩士)
2000 : 日本 國立九州藝術工科大學院 藝術工學硏究科 情報傳達專攻 博士課程 修了
1996~2002 : 國立 公州大學校 漫畵藝術學科 在職
2002~現在 : 國立 公州大學校 GAME DESIGN學科 在職
1988 : Graduated from YeungNam University (Application fine arts subject graduation of the fine arts college)
1994 : Graduates the national KID(Kyushu Institute of Design) graduate school of Japan. (Major of Visual Communication Design - Computer Graphics)
2000 : Completed the doctor Course of the same graduate school. (Major of Visual Communication Design - Computer Graphics)
1996~2002 : Process of holed office in the Cartoon Art department of the KongJu National university
2002~Currently : Process of holding office in the Game Design department of the KongJu National university


Name: Kim Gunsoo / Title: Another Wood_Red Holder

• 홍익대학교 대학원 박사수료
• 개인전 6회
• 이탈리아, 프랑스, 스웨덴, 영국, 미국, 일본 등 국제전시
• 서울미술대전, 광주디자인비엔날레, 서울디자인페스티벌, 청주국제공예비엔날레 등 초대전시
• 현재, 공주대학교 교수
• Hongik University Ph.D. Completion
• Solo exhibition 6 times
• Italia, France, Sweden, UK, USA, Japan etc. International Exhibition
• Seoul Art Exhibition, Gwangju Design Biennale, Seoul Design Festival, Chungju Craft Biennale etc. Invited Exhibition
• Present, Kongju University Professor


Name: kim kyung jin / Title: Now and forever No.1

Members of Korea Fine Arts Association 한국미술협회 회원
Members of Korea Craft Council Association 한국공예가협회 회원
The Association for Korea Trend executive 한국디자인트렌드협회 이사

GIA Korea consultant GIA Korea자문위원

Name: Kim Myeong Tae / Title: 무극-1510, 無極-1510, Limitless-1510

개인전 12회
12th Solo Exhibitions
목양공예상 수상
Awarded Mokyang Crafts Prize
(사)한국공예가협회상 수상
Awarded the Korean Crafts Council
청주국제공예비엔날레 심사위원 / 초대작가
Juror & Invited Artist work Submitted to Cheongju International Craft Biennale
공주대학교 조형디자인학부 교수 / 철학박사
Ph.D Philosophy / Professor, Dept. of Formative Design, Konju National University

Name:Kim Sun Lim / Title: Rich year

공주대학교대학원 조형디자인학과 박사과정 재학
홍익대학교대학원 금속조형디자인과 졸업
Kim Sun Lim 개인전 (#52109, JCK LAS VEGAS SHOW, 미국)
Linking and Joining 개인전 (갤러리각, 서울)
현재, 국립공주대학교 주얼리디자인학과 강사
In physics, Kongju National University Dept. jewelry-design
MFA Graduated School of Hongik University, Dept.Metal Arts&Design
A.G-Korea, Gem Cutting Expert
Kim Sun Lim Solo Exhibition (#52109, JCK LAS VEGAS SHOW, USA)
Linking and Joining by Kim Sun Lim (Gallery, Seoul, Korea)
Present. / Lecturer, Kongju National University Dept. jewelry-design

Name: kim sung min / Title: RELATION W220-A

2010 스웨덴 국제 도자 심포지움
2009 호주 국제초대전시회
2008 태국 국립 왕립 도자초대전시회
(재) 한국공예문화진흥원 기획연구부장 역임 – 문화관광부
현재 : 국립공주대학교 조형디자인학부 세라믹디자인전공 부교수
2010 Swedish International Ceramics Symposium
2009 Australian International Invitation Exhibition
2008 Royal Thai National Ceramics Exhibition Invitation
Korean Craft Promotion Foundation Planning and research dept. Manager
PRESENT : Professor at Kongju National University

Name: Kim won seok / Title: 계룡산(Gyeryongsan)

1. Invited to hold 8 solo exhibitions by associations including the Korean Arts Association, the Korean Artist’s Association, the ChungNam Industrial Design Association, the ChungNam Arts Association, and the GongJu Arts Association.
2. 2014 Goma Art Center opening anniversary, specially planned Pacific Rim International Exhibition (Goma Art Center)
2013 Four Countries of the Pacific Rim International Exhibition (China YoDong University Design Academy special exhibition)
2012 Korea-Japan arts exchange invited exhibition (Tokyo Japan Homun Galery)
2011 International Ceramics Symposium, participant and invited exhibition (Gothenburg, Sweden Culture Center)
2009 Australia Ceramics Biennale Exhibition (Sydney National Art College Exhibition Hall), the 60thoverseasinvitedexhibition
4. GyeongGi Province Ceramic Culture Society / LimLip Art Museum / DaeJeon Municipal Museum / and other invited exhibitions
5. Current / KongJu National University, College of Fine Arts professor
GeumGang Art Center Director

김유진Name: Yu-Jin Kim / Title: Big Numbers

2006-Present, Professor, Dept. of Visual Studies, Kongju National Univ.
2009-Present, Final Committee Member, Korea Web Award
2012-Present, Advisory Board Member, Design Management Institute (DMI) in Boston
2011-2012, Visiting Researcher, Design Management Institute (DMI) in Boston
2005, Design Strategist, Design Continuum in Boston


Name: KIM CHUNG HO / Title: Adding-09

-個人展 4回(Seoul, Daejeon, Fukuoka)
-Seoul 美術大展 招待展, 淸州國際工藝 Biennial 招待作家
-2010 Designersblock London.(England)
-2012 Stockholm Furniture Fair.(Sweden)
-2013 Paris Design Week.(France)
-2015 Salone del Mobile. Milano(Italy)

Name: Jong Seo kim / Title: Winter Tree (Lighting Design)

- B.F.A, M.F.A Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
- MS, Pratt Institute, New york, USA
- Ph.D., Chungnam National University, Korea
- Lighting Designer, HDA, New york, USA
- Associate Designer for Interior Design, MORE Design Group, New york, USA
- Present-Professor, Major in Furniture Design, Kongju National University, South Korea

Name: Kim, Tae Gyu / Title: Dancing Party

Aug, 2006~Feb, 2014 : Dean, Dept. of game plannig, Seoul Hoseo Occupational Training College
April, 2014~Present : CEO of Good Game Studio Co., Ltd.
(Present) director of Korea Society For Computer Game
(Present) external examiners of Game Rating and Administraton Committee
(Present) external examiners of Korea Creative Content Agency
March, 2014~Present : Professor, Dept. of Game, Graduate School of Information Contents, KwangWoon University


Name: Kim Haejin / Title: be invisible

이화여자대학교 도예과 및 동대학원 졸
한양대학교 응미과 박사수료
SOTHEBY’S INSTITUE OF ART (Singapore) ‘Connecting Art & Business Couse’

Name: NA Ki-seong / Title: shadow

- Now) CEO of NakiJaki ceramic studio
- Kongju National University and ceramic design lecturer
Cheongju sonyeongwon pottery instructor
Private Exhibition 3times, International exhibition7times, Group exhibition 75times
Members of the Korea Society of Arts
Cheongju the subcommittee of the Society of Arts and Crafts

Name: N0h, young-ran / Title: 하늘을 향해Ⅱ... / Towards the sky Ⅱ

- 백제문양을 응용한 조명개발 프로젝트
Development project of lighting which applies the Baekje pattern
- 백제 고부가가치를 위한 브랜드 개발 프로젝트
Brand development project for Baekje high value-added
- 2013 리빙 핸드메이드 악세서리박람회 참가
2013 Living handmade accessories expo participation
- 現 장신구 작업실 手작 운영.
Current operating ornaments studio SooJak.
- 공주대학교 조형디자인학부 주얼리디자인전공 강사역임.
Kongju National University School of Jewellery Design Lecturer molding design.

Name: RO HAE SIN / Title: From circle

B. F. A in Ceramic Ewha womens University
M. F. A in Ceramic Ewha womens University
Art Residence at the National Art School & University of New South Wales
International Ceramics Symposium 2011 /ICS 2011(Sweden)
Art Museum Touring Exhibition (Europe)
Art Museum Touring Exhibition (USA)
Professor at Kongju National University

Name: MIN, JUNIL / Title: Superman-2015

M.F.A. Film, Video and New Media. (The School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
B.F.A. Painting Dept., Hongik University
Annecy International Animation Film Festival(Annecy,France)
Post Production Dept. Towers productions.(Chicago)
MBC 'Tok,tok Kids school' animation director


Name: Daehyuk Park / Title: COSMOS PROJECT

Parsons School of Design, MFA, 2003~2005
Art Director, Nailgun New York, 2005~2011
Art Director, Bionic, New York, 2011~2012
Senior Designer, Company3, New York, 2012~2014
Professor, Visual Studies, Kongju National University, 2014~present


Name: Park Seung Chul / Title: pendent(장신구)

Private Exhibition Four times 개인전4회
Members of Korea Fine Arts Association 한국미술협회 회원
Members of Korea Craft Council Association 한국공예가회 회원
Members of Korea Contents Association 한국콘텐츠학회 회원


Name: Park in sook / Title: 잃어버린 시간들 Lost time 逝者如斯
∎상명대학교 디자인대학원 졸업(석사)
Sangmyung University Graduate School of Design Graduated
∎개 인 전 19회(한국, 미국)
private exhibition The 19th (Republic of Korea, USA)
个人展 19倍 (韩国, 美国)
∎해 외 전 (한국, 미국, 인도, 홍콩, 터키, 남아프리카 등 다수)
foreign exhibition (Korea, USA, India, Hong Kong, Turkey, South Africa)
国外展览 (韩国,美国,印度,香港,土耳其,南非)
∎ 현재 : (주)인환경디자인연구소 대표이사
국립공주대학교 조형디자인학부 객원교수
currently : IN Environment design Company CEO ,
Gongju National University Molding Design Department Professor
目 前 : 环境设计公司 首席执行官 , 国立公州大学,在学院模具设计客座教授

Name: SEO Won-tae / Title: 12 islands

SEO Won-Tae is a Korea-Born filmmaker and visual artist. His most recent Documentary film <Tony Rayns, the-not-so-distant-observer> was an official selection of the 17th Busan International Film Festival of a‘Wide Angle’. His first feature film, <SynchingBlue> was an official selection of the 27th Vancouver International Film Festival of a‘Dragon and Tiger Competition’and 9thJeonju International Film Festival as part of a special‘Korean Cinema on the Move’program

Name:SHIN MI YOUNG / Title: 아득한 기다림 (Distant wait)

한국공예가협회 회원
korean crafts council
한국조형디자인학·협회 회원
the korea society of art&desig
한국미술협회 회원(공주지부)
korean fine arts association
대전금속조형회 회원
Daejeon metal art
공주대학교 조형디자인학부 주얼리디자인전공 강사역임
Kongju National University School of Jewelry Design Course Lecturer molding design


Name: Ryu, Seuc Ho / tle: Korean Animal Symbol of a year 2015

2014 중국요동대학 국제초대작품전시회
( 2014 Eastern Liaoning University International Invitation Exhibition)
2014 환태평양 미술축제 (2014 Pacific Rim Art Festival)
2013 유석호 불라칸 주립대학 초대 개인전 (2013 Ryu Seuc Ho Solo Exhibition)
2012 한국콘텐츠학회 봄 국제 디지털디자인 초대전
( 2012 Spring International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition)
2012 공주대 백제문화 고부가디자인 사업단 / 단장
( 2012 BaekJe Culture Design Center / Director)


Name: YUN, Hwang Rok / Title: The Spirit of Koera ( 石窟庵 )

- 한국전통문화대학교대학원 연구교수
(Korea National University of Cultural Heritage / Research Professor)
- 일본 큐슈대학교 예술공학부 예술공학전공 (박사수료)
(Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University / Ph.D. candidate)
- 일본 ㈜ FV 편집부 크레이티브 디자인팀 연구원
(FV Co., Ltd. Creative Design team / Researcher)
- 공주대학교 영상예술대학원 게임멀티미디어 전공 (공학석사)
(Graduate School of Media Image & Arts, Kongju National University / M.Eng.)


Name: Lee kwang hoon Title: Moving painting

1987 Hong-Ik University ,sculpture major
1990 Hong-Ik University ,aesthetic major
1998 Chungnam National University, graduate school of education
2005~now / Kongju National University .Division of Cartoon Animation Art Professor and Animation derector  
1997 Animation direct prize, Korea cartoon &animation festival by Korea ministry of culture,

Name: Lee Dong Lyeor / Title: New Fantasy World

- Japan/Kyushu National Industrial and Art Graduate school
Department of information delivery(Major in Digital Character Design) M.F.A
- Professor of Kongju National University
Division of Game Design(Major in Digital Character Design)
- Dispatch Professor of Shanghai University of Engineering Science
- Professor of Ansan 1 College
- Designer of DesignPark(Co.,Ltd)

Name: ee Dong Yeop / Title: “1eye”

Assistant Professor of Cartoon & Animation Department, Joongbu University
Adjunct Advisor, Digital Contents Department, Kyunghee University
Professor, Internet Commerce at Ansan University
Full-tiime Lecturer, Multimedia at Sangmyung University
Creative Director, Wecomeone Ltd.(UK)


Name: Wan Bok Lee / Title: World 0

Current) Professor, Dept. Game Design, Kongju National University, ROK
2011 Shanghi University of Engineering Science Visiting Professor
2007 ~ Current: Professor, Dept. Game Design, Kongju National University
2003 ~ 2006: Professor in Dept. of Game, Joongu University, ROK

Name: Yi, Wonsuk / Title: Leg & Temple

전, 일요시사신문사 시사만화가
한국만화애니메이션학회 편집위원
공주대학교 예술대학 만화애니메이션학부 교수


Name: LEE JONG HO / Title: 3D비디오매핑(3D Video Mapping)

2014.1.21 예술의전당 IBK챔버홀 “테너이영화의 새해소망콘서트”
2014.4 갤러리 토스트 Emotion File 개인전
2014.5 사비나미술관 "3D Print-ing & ART " ​
2015.2 대부도 갤러리아이 2인전 Exhibition
2015 공주대학교 게임디자인과 박사
2015 서울호서전문학교 게임학부 학부장 제직중
2014.1.21 “New Year’s Hope Concert of Tenor Young-Hwa Lee” – IBK Chamber Hall, Seoul Arts Center., KOREA
2014. 4 "Emotion File" Solo Exhibition - Gallery Toast, KOREA
2014. 5 "3D Print-ing & ART" -Sabina Art Gallery, KOREA
2015. 2 Bipersonal Exhibition - Gallery I , Deaboo Island, KOREA
2015 A candidate for the Ph.D on Game Design, Kong-Ju University, KOREA
2015 Professor of Game Design, Seoul Hoseo Technical College, KOREA

Name:Hwaja Lee / Title: Start & End

현재) 국립공주대학교 만화애니메이션학부 교수
2008 국립공주대학교 만화영상학 박사
2007-2008 일본 히메지독협대학교 연구교수
2008 제3회 개인전, <오후 3시>전, 일본
Present) Professor of Kongju National University , Cartoon & Animation Department
2008 Kongju National University, Cartoon & Animation Ph. D.
2007-2008 Visiting professor of Himeji Dokkyo University in Japan
2008 <at three in the afternoon>: The 3nd private exhibition, in Japan


Name: Byeong Ho Jeon / Title: Parallel Dialogue(平行对话)

- Bachelor’s, Master, and Doctoral Degree, an Electronic Engineering, Chungnam National University(忠南大學校 電子工學科 學士, 碩士, 博士學位 取得)
- Majored in Computer Engineering, Studied Multimedia Related Fields
(電腦工學 專攻, 多媒體分野 硏究)
- Interested Digiatl Contents, Photography, Viusal Aesthetics, Visual Psychology Now
(現在 關心 分野 : 數字娛樂, 映象美學, 映象心理學 關心)


Name: Jung Suk Ho / Title: Surveillance family(Game)

2011.03~2013.08 / Multimedia School teaching process Technical University in Shanghai, China dispatched
- Digital Animation - Computer Graphics - Game background design - Games Operations Management
- Map graduate work / management
2013.09~現在  /  Kongju National University Lecturer - Games Marketing - Online game project I - Online game project II 
 2015.07~現在  / Jungbu University Lecturer - 3D Animation
2015.07~現在 / EX establishment of company - Mobile Game Company


Name:Yeun-jeong Choi / Title: Birds

Solo Exhibition(4times) 개인전 4회
Members of Korea Fine Arts Association 한국미술협회 회원
Members of Korea Craft Council Association 한국공예가협회 회원
The Association for Korea Trend executive 한국디자인트렌드학회 회원