2015‘ 環太平洋國際敎授作品展
“환태평양국제교수전시회”는 샹탄대학 예술학원과 공주대학교 예술대학이 중심이 되어 환태평양 4개국이 참가하는 예술분야 작가들의 작품교류 및 전공 관련 교학교류를 목적으로 실시하는 행사입니다. 또한 예술이 새로운 세상을 창조하는데 사용되는 어떤 도구가 아니라 스스로 세상을 창조하는 주체이자, 그 신비한 비전을 제시하는 가장 오래되고 강력한 존재임을 환기시키고, 예술이 최초부터 지니고 있던 예술 고유의 정신과 모방할 수 없는 독창성은 이번 교류 행사를 통해 작가들의 작품에서 다시 한 번 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대 됩니다. 이 교류전시를 통해 경계 없는 상상력과 고전적인 형식미에 담긴 상상의 세계의 모습을 관객들과 소통하고자 합니다.
본 행사는 “환태평양문화융합예술단”의 주체로 환태평양지역 예술문화교류 및 예술분야 전문가들의 전시회 기획과 국가별 예술 문화 홍보를 목적으로 협의회를 구성하여 전시행사를 지속적으로 지원 하고자 합니다.
展示 主催 : 中國 湘潭大學 / 韓國 公州大學校
展示 主管 : 環太平洋國際敎授展示推進團(Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibition Committee.)
展示期間 : 2015. 11. 20(金) ~ 11. 24(火)
展示開幕 : 2015. 11. 20(金) 午後 3時 58分
展示場所 : 湖南省 湘潭市 西郊 湘潭大學 國家大學生文化素質敎育基地 1F
招待作家 : CHINA(Li Qing外 27人), KOREA(Kim WonSeok外 32人)
JAPAN(Kaneko Teruyuki外 5人), CANADA(Insoo Park)
展示HOME PAGE : http://pripe.blogspot.com
團 長 : Kim WonSeok(Korea) / Li Qing(China)
推進委員長 : Kyung ByungPyo(Korea) / Luo HaoChang(China)
發 行 人 : Kim WonSeok / Kyung ByungPyo / Ryu SeucHo
發 行 處 : 環太平洋國際敎授展示推進團
住 所 : (韓國) 忠南 公州市 新官洞 182番地 公州大學校
(中國) 湖南省 湘潭市 西郊 湘潭大學 藝術學院
이번에 개최되는 국제 전시회는 한·중·일 등 미술대학의 교수들이 주축이 되는 전시회로 향후 미술의 문화교류 활성화에 기여하며 문화와 예술 산업의 가치를 비교 조명하는 행사로 성장해 나아갈 것입니다.
이 행사가 성공적으로 개최할 수 있도록 도움을 주신 샹탄대학교의 황운청(Huang Yunqing)총장님과 공주대학교 김창호 총장께 깊은 감사의 인사를 드립니다.
다시 한번 이 전시회에 초대 출품해주신 초대작가 여러분들과 국제전시회 주관기관인 샹탄대학의 리칭 원장님과 공주대학교 유석호 학장님에게도 감사를 드립니다.
환태평양 국제 전시 추진위원회는 앞으로도 지속적인 한·중 간 국제적인 미술교류를 위하여 노력할 것입니다.
공주대학교 / 환태평양국제교수전시추진단(한국)
2015년 11월
단장 김원석
We can enjoy a beautiful blue sky while holding "2015 Pacific Rim International Professors Invitational Exhibition".
Korean art school professors have set forth to hold this international exhibition to be encourage cultural exchanges between Korea, Japan, Canada and China, and contribute to the culture of art and art industrial growth, which propels itself to an invaluable event.
The event was successfully held with the hard work Huang Yunqing of Xiangtan University and Kim Chang Ho of Kongju National University, to whom I give my deep appreciation.
Once again, for this invitation to the exhibition, you are truly and international exhibition host organization. We express our gratitude to Dean Li Qing of Xiangtan University but also Dean Ryu Seuc Ho of Kongju National University.
The Pacific Rim International exhibition committee will continue to strive for future of exchanges between Korea and Japan international art communities.
Kongju National University / Chairman, Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibition Committee.
November, 2015
WonSeok Kim
在汉斯·罗伯特·姚斯(Hans Robert Jauss)的“期待视野”中,他将作家、作品、读者联系起来,并沟通了文学的演变和社会的发展。艺术作品的价值体现又何尝不是如此?艺术作品只有以读者、观众或接受者为中心,艺术作品才能实现其艺术价值的最大化。艺术的审美经验同样包括艺术生产、艺术接受和艺术交流,三者构建了艺术审美的有机整体。
湘潭大学艺术学院 / 环太平洋国际教授展览推进团 团长(中国)
2015年 11月
执行院长 黎青
Salutatory of China- Korea“Pacific Rim Professors’ Artwork Exhibition”
this autumn becomes colder, the friendship between the two countries goes
deeper. In this enjoyable party, “Pacific Rim Professors’ Artwork Exhibition”
has inaugurated. Art Institute of Xiangtan University, Art Institute of Kongju
National University and other Universities in Japan and Southeast Asia hold
this exhibition.
the “Traditional”, Hans Robert Jauss made connection among artist, artwork and
visitor, and he created communication between the literary evolution and the
development of the society. To maximize the artistic value, artist should
regard visitor and audience as the center of the art. Art aesthetic experience
also includes art production, art acceptation and art exchange.
artwork would have no value if art production behavior lacks reader, audience
and communication. Therefore, we hold this exhibition for the cognition.
we hope that this exhibition can construct a bridge between China and South
Korea and communicate with each other. Moreover, Chinese and Korean artists
hope all the artwork are based on domestic but would spare all around the
on behalf of the Art Institute of Xiangtan University welcome all the guests
attend the “Pacific Rim Professors’ Artwork Exhibition.” I wish the exhibition
a complete success. I also wish you all keep healthy, and the job is smooth.
Executive Dean, Art Institute of Xiangtan University / Chairman, PRIPE Committee of China
November, 2015
Li Qing
인 사 말
2015년의 마지막을 준비하라고 재촉하는 11월에 중국샹탄대학 예술학원과 공주대학교 예술대학이 중심이 되어 예술분야 작가들의 작품교류 및 전공 관련 교학교류를 위해 환태평양 4개국이 참가하는「2015 환태평양 국제교수전시회」를 개최하게 되어 굉장히 기쁘고, 바쁘신 와중에도 본 행사에 소중한 작품을 출품해주신 국내·외 작가 여러분께 감사의 말씀드립니다.
예술은 스스로 세상을 창조하는 주체이자, 그 신비한 비전을 제시하는 가장 오래되고 강력한 존재이며, 예술이 최초부터 지니고 있던 고유의 정신과 모방할 수 없는 독창성은 이번 교류 행사를 통해 다시 한번 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대됩니다.
전시회에 출품된 다양한 작품들을 통해 보여주신 열정은 작가님들의 삶 뿐만 아니라 예술분야에도 의미 있는 가치를 부여하는 것이라 생각됩니다.
이번 전시회를 위해 물심양면으로 노력과 수고를 아끼지 않으신 많은 분들에게 격려와 축하의 말씀을 전하며 앞으로도 예술분야의 발전을 위해 아낌없는 격려와 성원 부탁드립니다.
국립공주대학교 예술대학장
2015년 11월
I'm so glad to hold a 「2015 Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibition」, Which co-hosted The Arts Institute of Xiangtan University and College of Arts, Kongju National University in November preparing the end of 2015. I also thank to domestic and foreign artists who submitted works for this exhibition.
I think that art is the oldest and most powerful things created the world and presents a mystical vision. And I expect to check the spirit and ingenuity that has art through this exhibition.
I Think that Artist's Passion has shown through various works in the exhibition will add value to life of artists as well as Art field.
I congratulate and encourage those who have committed to this exhibition. Please support and encouragement for the development of the arts.
Dean, College of Arts, Kongju National University
November, 2015
Ryu, Seuc Ho
Art is a viable language for the communication with the past and the present.
This public exhibition is a place that the artists from 4 Pacific Rim countries communicate various arts each other.
I guess this is a good chance to look through the Art histories and relationships of all countries around the Pacific Rim through past 100 years.
Also, I would like you to look through the arts from countries and appreciate the profundity of different artists' pieces.
All the Art pieces have various stories and techniques.
I hope this exhibition is fun finding pieces' histories, cultures, and people to know artists' stories.
I'd like to express my thanks to all of you for joining this exhibition.
This public exhibition is a place that the artists from 4 Pacific Rim countries communicate various arts each other.
I guess this is a good chance to look through the Art histories and relationships of all countries around the Pacific Rim through past 100 years.
Also, I would like you to look through the arts from countries and appreciate the profundity of different artists' pieces.
All the Art pieces have various stories and techniques.
I hope this exhibition is fun finding pieces' histories, cultures, and people to know artists' stories.
I'd like to express my thanks to all of you for joining this exhibition.
Kongju National University / Promotion Chairman, PRIPE Committee of Korea
November, 2015
Byungpyo Kyung
Preface of 2015“Pacific Rim Professors’ Artwork Exhibition”
Interestingly, the South Korean culture has many similarities with Chu culture in China. Several similar names of places and folkways reveal that the two cultures have deep historical relationship. Strong Chu culture relics have existed in South Korea's founding myth - Dangun myth.
Coincidently, Xiangtan belonged to Chu in ancient China, and 2015“Pacific Rim Professors’ Artwork Exhibition”is held in Xiangtan University by the planning of Xiangtan University and Kongju National University. It is like a beautiful flower in contemporary cultural exchange between China and South Korea. It is also can be seen as a historic and successful communication between Korean culture and Chu culture of China. In this case, for the purpose of mutual understanding with the humanistic spirit and cultural connotation of art exchanges, is fairly meaningful.
This is the first time that Xiangtan University and Kongju National. University hold this art exhibition, and this is also the first step to in-depth exchanges on both sides. This exhibition’s works reflect the two universities professors to explore the art creation through the different concepts and materials. Those works present a different artistic language and style, like practical, critical, innovative, and philosophical style... The professors expressed their understanding, perception and attitude of life in their own way and unique perspective.
Generally, cultural exchanges are capable of enhancing mutual trust and friendship between two countries. It is conducive to the spread, sharing and creation of culture.
Finally, we hope the communication continues infinitely, and the friendship blooms permanently.
Xiangtan University / Promotion Chairman, PRIPE Committee of China
November, 2015
Luo Haochang
[ 作家 List ]
China Artist | Korea Artist | Japan Artist | Canada Artist |
1. Li Qing | 1. 김원석 | 1. Kaneko Teruyuki | 1. Insoo Park |
2. Luo Haochang | 2. 노혜신 | 2. Noriko Nieda | |
3. Sun Shuping | 3. 김성민 | 3. Hiroko Maki | |
4. Wang Zhijian | 4. 김혜진 | 4. Sakamoto Hidetoshi | |
5. Wang Yaqi | 5. 박승철 | 5. Yuhei Kuriyama | |
6. Ming Xiong | 6. 최윤정 | 6. Sayaka Toritani | |
7. Chen Xiaoqi | 7 김경진 | ||
8. Chen juan | 8. 김명태 | ||
9. Xiong Jingjing | 9. 김정호 | ||
10. Yin Xiaoyan | 10. 김종서 | ||
11. Zhou Xiaoyu | 11. 김건수 | ||
12. Zhu-lusha | 12. 전병호 | ||
13. Gao Shen | 13. 김유진 | ||
14. He Renhuan | 14. 서원태 | ||
15. Hu Zhongping | 15. 박대혁 | ||
16. HuangZhun | 16. 이원석 | ||
17. Jiang Xiangdong | 17. 이화자 | ||
18. Jiang Qian | 18. 이광훈 | ||
19. Kuang Ruiying | 19. 민준일 | ||
20. Song Yang | 20. 경병표 | ||
21. Liu ZhengJun | 21. 유석호 | ||
22. Lu Wangming | 22. 이동열 | ||
23. Jie Lu | 23. 이완복 | ||
24. Luo Junmin | 24. 이동엽 | ||
25. Ma Li | 25. 김선림 | ||
26. Liu Guangbo | 26. 신미영 | ||
27. Ding Jianghong | 27. 노영란 | ||
28. He Leiheng | 28. 나기성 | ||
29. 박인숙 | |||
30. 윤황록 | |||
31. 김태규 | |||
32. 이종호 | |||
33. 정석호 |
Pacific Rim International Exhibition Committee / pripe.blogspot.com
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2015 Copyright©Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibitions committee. All rights reserved
No part this catalogues may be reproduced or utilized in any from or by any means without the written permission from Pacific Rim International Professor Exhibition committee.